If it's nearly impossible

It's probably impuzzible / impuzzable

Impuzzibility - What's that?

If you've ever come across a puzzle that looks impossible to solve, but on further investigation appears to be possible if only you
were to expend ridiculous amounts of time and brain power, that's an impuzzible.

There are loads of impuzziblers out there creating fiendish impuzzibles which turn an ordinary puzzler into an impuzzleplexian
who spends their lives impuzzling, frequently hitting an impuzze but ultimately becoming an Impuzzlophile.

Examples of impuzzible impuzzibles or should that be impuzzables?

There were 9 web sites which included the term impuzzibility as of 10 August 2010 and when rechecking on the 13th October 2011 there were 75. Ha!

Definitions of impuzzible related terms:

Impuzze  \'im-pəz\
(n) A stage in the attempted solving of an Impuzzible where it appears there are no moves that can be made.

Impuzzibility  \im-pə-zə-'bi-lə-tē\
(n) The innate quality of an impuzzible.

Impuzzible  \im-'pə-zə-bəl\
(n) An extremely difficult puzzle which is almost, but not quite, impossible to solve.
(adj) Very nearly incapable of being solved.

Impuzzibler  \im-pə-zə-'blər\
(n) One who fiendishly creates Impuzzibles in order to ensnare the unwary.

Impuzziblish  \im-pə-zə-'blish\
(adj) Having some of the qualities of an Impuzzible.
Even Google didn't return any results for this term!

Impuzziblist  \im-pə-zə-'blist\
(n) One who half-heartedly attempts to solve an Impuzzible.

Impuzzibly  \im-'pə-zə-blē\
(adv) In a manner so complex as to be almost, but not quite, impossible.

Impuzzicat  \im-pə-zə-'kat\
(n) Someone who, when engrossed in attempting to solve an Impuzzible, will absent-mindedly agree to almost anything.

Impuzzlathon  \im-pəz-lə-'thän\
(n) An extended attempt to solve an Impuzzible, often involving many individuals competing over several months or years.

Impuzzle  \im-'pə-zəl\
(vi) To expend large amounts of mental energy attempting to solve an Impuzzible.
(vt) To perplex with an impuzzible.

Impuzzlement  \im-'pə-zəl-mənt\
(n) The state of being totally absorbed in the attempt to solve an Impuzzible.

Impuzzleplex  \im-pə-zəl-'pleks\
(n) The confused state of mind resulting from spending many hours trying to solve an Impuzzible

Impuzzleplexian  \im-pə-zəl-'pleks-ē-ən\
(n) One who has devoted much of his life to trying to solve Impuzzibles, and has become almost legendary due to having almost succeeded.

Impuzzling  \im-'pə-zliŋ\
(adj) Extremely perplexing; almost, but not quite, impossible to comprehend.

Impuzzlophile  \im-pə-zlə-'fīl\
(n) One who enjoys the challenge of an Impuzzible.

Impuzzlophobia  \im-pə-zlə-'fō-bē-ə\
(n) An irrational fear of the nearly, but not quite, impossible.

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